Investments that are denominated in a given currency include money-market funds, bonds, mortgages, bank deposits, and other instruments. 市场上以特定货币结算的投资包括货币市场基金、债券、按揭、银行存款和其他工具。
Chinese savers have long been frustrated by low interest rates on bank deposits, which are capped by regulators. 中国储户长期以来一直对银行存款偏低的利率水平感到不满。
His income declaration has in the past included a KGB pension and interest from bank deposits. 过去他的财产申报中包括克格勃津贴和银行存款利息。
Bank deposits were in part withdrawn. 银行存款有一部分被提走了。
Registration journal of cash and bank deposits; 登记现金和银行存款日记帐;
People have virtually nowhere to invest besides bank deposits, stocks and property. 除了银行存款、股票和房地产,中国人几乎没有其他投资渠道。
This is financed by paying Chinese households low or negative inflation-adjusted returns on their voluminous bank deposits. 但这种融资的代价是,中国家庭部门庞大的银行存款所得到的回报率在剔除通胀因素后非常之低,甚至为负数。
The issue is not whether the euro coins in your pocket carry an Athenian owl or German imperial eagle. The issue is the status of bank deposits and loans, residential mortgages and commercial contracts, as well as wages and prices. 问题的关键不在于你口袋里的欧元硬币上印着雅典猫头鹰还是德国帝国鹰,而在于银行存款和贷款、住房按揭和商业合约以及工资和物价的状况。
But the impact that bank deposits have on the economy depends less on the government than on the decisions of millions of households and companies. 但银行存款对经济的影响,更大程度上取决于数以百万计的家庭和公司,而非由政府决定。
I recorded premium payments, prepared bank deposits, and sorted payables. 我要记录保险赔偿金,准备银行押金,将收到的付款分类等。
These include tax breaks for businesses and individuals and a temporary increase in federal insurance for bank deposits. 这些措施包括为企业和个人减免税收并且临时增加的联邦保险的银行存款。
However, money market funds suffered significant redemptions as investors fled to the safety of bank deposits. 不过,随着投资者逃向安全的银行存款,货币市场基金遭遇大规模赎回。
Capital controls stop money going abroad; bank deposits are unattractive because of low interest rates. 资本管制使得资金难以流向国外;由于利率很低,银行存款也缺乏吸引力。
And unlike insured bank deposits, there is no guarantee of your principal investment. 而且,与已保险银行存款不同,你的本金投资是没有保障的。
There are not many domestic bonds and bank deposits barely keep pace with inflation. 中国没有多少国内债券可供投资,而银行存款利率几乎跟不上通胀步伐。
They account for approximately 1.3 per cent of the world's stock of financial assets ( stocks, bonds and bank deposits). 它们在全球金融资产存量(股票、债券和银行存款)中所占比例约为1.3%。
Foreign currency pay orders including bills, bank deposits, and postal savings deposits. 外币支付凭证,包括票据、银行存款凭证、邮政储蓄凭证等;
In some countries these are as important as bank deposits, if not more so. 在某些国家,这与银行存款同等重要,甚至更重要。
The money supply consists largely of government-insured bank deposits that households and businesses are holding because of a concern about the liquidity and safety of other forms of investment. 货币供应大部分由政府提供担保的银行存款构成。居民和企业持有这些存款,是因为担忧其它形式投资的流动性和安全性。
Such as paper money, coins, checks, money orders, bank deposits and so on. 比如纸币.硬币.支票、票和银行存款等。
CDs are treated as bank deposits by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. 存单被作为银行存款由联邦存款保险公司保险。
The balance sheet is a flow of assets, including cash, bank deposits and other currency fund three general ledger account at the end of the period, specialized use of monetary funds is not included. 是资产负债表的一个流动资产项目,包括库存现金、银行存款和其他货币资金三个总账账户的期末余额,具有专门用途的货币资金不包括在内。
Money market funds 'popularity rested on their reputation for being almost as secure as bank deposits. 货币市场基金广受欢迎,原因在于其几乎与银行存款一样安全的声誉。
The most traditional form of bank financing is bank deposits, both at call and fixed deposits. 银行筹资最传统的形式是银行存款,包括活期存款和定期存款。
Low interest rates have made bonds and bank deposits unrewarding too. 低利率使得债券和银行存款也没什么收益。
On the other hand, households were deprived of investment opportunities other than bank deposits. 另一方面,普通家庭被剥夺了除了银行储蓄以外的投资机会。
The situation is complicated for Chinese policymakers by record levels of bank deposits. 随着银行存款达到创纪录的水平,中国决策者面前的形势十分复杂。
Classic low-risk investments are government stocks and bank deposits. 典型的低风险投资是政府债券和银行存款。
I will support his overseas study with bank deposits and provide continuous financial support to my son. 我将提供银行存款作为他出国留学的担保并提供持续的资金支持我的儿子。
The two governments pledged yesterday to guarantee all bank deposits. 澳新两国政府昨日承诺,对所有银行存款提供担保。